Matanuska Amateur Radio Association +++ MARA, Inc. is a 501(c)3 IRS Tax Exempt Charitable Organization +++ ARRL Organization Affiliate AMATEUR RADIO CLUB AND Amateur Radio Emergency Service – Alaska Section (MATANUSKA Borough)
Well POTA is Parks On The Air. Do you want have some fun, well this is it and it good practice for operating away from your home station. A lot of Alaskans like to get into the outdoors, fishing, hunting, hiking, ATVing, boating, or just plain camping. Now it's possible you just want to get away from the hussle and bussle from the city and others for peace and quite. But how would you like to help your state to improve getting folks interested to visit and help our small businesses. Ham operators are always interested in talking up their station, home, and interest you have. Well go to a park, any type and setup your portable station and call CQ CQ POTA, Denali National Park. This winter we held Winter Field Day at Finger Lake and had a blast. Below is a link to a video that tells you all about it. Enjoy. POTA