If you haven't paid your current membership dues or would like to donate to the club, please get with John/KL1XM, our Treasure or follow the below procedures. Our dues is one of our main incomes to maintain the club equipment and activities. The dues are $24 Dollars a year for individual or family. We are also a 501c3 non-profit club so it is all tax deductible. The web site has an application form for you to fill out under the Forms Menu and you can go to the Donate tab listed below to pay by PayPal or Credit Card, if you like. For any other club donations we will provide you a Tax Receipt. Also with all the benefits available thru ARRL, you may be interested in joining it also. You have the choice of 2 magazines now, one for new hams "On The Air Magazine and the QST Magazine, with your ARRL membership, you also can get good equipment insurance, pod casts on various ham subjects, new equipment evaluations, construction projects, contest, ham reference books, ham products and what ARRL is doing on our behalf with new legislation.
NOTE: If this button does not work go to the first page of the Website and look for the below donation button to donate or pay your dues thru that one.