
Elmer – According to AARL.org, is someone who provides personal guidance and assistance to fellow hams. The term first appeared in in an article in QST in March 1971.

Feel free to contact any of the following to assist you


NameCall SignEmail AddressPhone
George StrotherKL7GSgeorge@strother.us907-376-3865
Ken HudsonKL2HFkenputer@hotmail.com907-354-0206
Don BushKL7JFTdbush@gci.net907-746-6845
Craig BledsoeKL4Eruthann.bledsoe@alaskaair.com907-694-4730
Ray HollenbeckKL1ILfuzz@mtaonline.net907-373-6771
Brandon ClarkKL7BSCkl7bsc@protonmail.com951-355-8297