Winter Field Day 2024

2024 Winter Field Day

As we have all read on other posts, Brandon has done a wonderful job in the past getting this event off and running..

This year we are going to be assisting the Palmer Jr. Middle School (PJMS) get their club and station off the ground and open up ham radio to a whole new bunch of youngster.  So how better to accomplish this but to have a great ham get together to show them how much fun this will be for them.

The equipment has been selected and funding as been provided by a school grant.  MARA will be the Elmer to help them get their licenses build their station and train them in the use of ham radio.

So to demonstrate one aspect and introduce them to a new hobby, we will be conducting Winter Field Day on Jan 27th at 1000 in their building and parking lot.  Their counsellor will be William Crumb, KL5LD.  A new technician and and their math and science teacher.   So let Ken/KL2HF know if you like to participate in the operation.  You don't have to have any equipment.  This  is a great opportunity for the new hams to a basic setup and equipment they may be interested in.

We've provided a link to the Winter Field Day site so folks can see what the whole system is like to conduct one..

Winter Field Day

MARA 2024 Field Day & Annual Picnic (COMPLETED)


Ham Radio Field Day Saturday June 22ed 

Ok MARA Field Day in going on this year. .  We are looking for a MARA Ham to volunteer to coordinate it and plan the operation.  Contact Ken/KL2HF or Shelia/KL3SRO This is great time practice portable setup and have fun contacting folks around world and lower 48.  We will be having the MARA Annual Picnic during field day.  Everyone is encouraged to bring their go kits to practice with, checking hookups, power connections and antennas.  We will be having our annual Barbeque, so please bring a side dish and a picnic tarp if we have bad weather.   Setup will start at 0900.  Check over the field day rules and turn in copies of your log book after the exercise to Don/KL7JFT.  Check the KL7JFT web site for, SOPs, and portable setup procedures.

Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday.

Check Field Day (  for all the rules.

Four Field Day Generators - YouTube

ARRL Field Day Safety - Ham Radio Q&A - YouTube

The location I will be at the Menard Center Pavillon at the SW corner of their main parking lot.


Everyone please take care and have fun.





WL7PM/Dean will be net control. The  5167.5 60 meter frequency is an Alaska only frequency that can be used within 50 nautical miles of the Alaska Coast and anywhere in Alaska.  150 watts is the maximum power allowed. A dipole can be constructed out of wire at 82.5 FEET total. it can be fed with ladder wire or coax, depending on what your tuner will handle.  The Net will start at 1000-1100 on the last Saturday of every month.  Report any results if you make contact or not, so we can determine the usefulness of the frequency, to Dean.