(no title)

MARA Fund-Me-Page

We are raising money for Matanuska Amateur Radio Association, a 501c3. All donations are tax deductible. This link will take you to the donation site: [paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1659522](https://paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1659522...) Your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Thank you for your support. I've included information about Matanuska Amateur Radio Association below. Our only income is our members annual dues.,
We are a Ham Radio Volunteer Group, suppling Emergency Communications to the Matanuska Borough in Alaska, We are raising money to support our various activities we provide on a regular basis to include our adding repeaters, training materials for the public, maintenance on our equipment and Communications Trailers, training individuals and supported agencies like Red Cross, Salvation Army, hospitals, transportation services, schools, and Scout units. We can not charge for any services we provide, even during emergencies assisting the Emergency Services. We supply or own equipment and logistics.

MARA Brochures & Procedures



New FCC RF Safety Rule for Ham Radio

If anyone is interested in joining the MARA Technical Group, please contact




This is an email group maintained on the io.groups site.  We will need your email address and phone number if you would like to join.

MARA Board



The next MARA general meeting is scheduled for the last Friday of Jan which is the 31st at 1900-2100 at the Wasilla Church of Christ. 1125 E Majestic View Cir, accross from Home Depot.  This will be a business meeting.  Next meeting will have a program and/or training.

Ham of the Year Nominations are due by the 22nd of Jan.  Mentor nominations are also due by the 22nd. We still have open slots on the board and presentation schedule.

MARA Board

Getting Started in Amateur Radio

Getting Started in Amateur Radio- Making HF Contacts. Wed Sept 25th, 9 PM Eastern / 6 PM Pacific live via Zoom -www.ratpac.us/zoom

Anthony Luscre

Ohio Section Section Youth Coordinator & Education Outreach
ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio™

K8ZT Radio Website- www.k8zt.com

Amateur Radio Resources for Students/Youth - www.k8zt.com/hry


***  Paying your Dues & Donating to the Club ***


If you haven't paid your current membership dues or would like to donate to the club, please get with John/KL1XM, our Treasure or follow the below procedures. Our dues is one of our main incomes to maintain the club equipment and activities. The dues are $24 Dollars a year for individual or family. We are also a 501c3 non-profit club so it is all tax deductible. The web site has an application form for you to fill out under the Forms Menu and you can go to the Donate tab listed to the left to pay by PayPal or Credit Card, if you like. For any other club donations we will provide you a Tax Receipt. Also with all the benefits available thru ARRL, you may be interested in joining it also. You have the choice of 2 magazines now, one for new hams "On The Air Magazine and the QST Magazine, with your ARRL membership, you also can get good equipment insurance, pod casts on various ham subjects, new equipment evaluations, construction projects, contest, ham reference books, ham products and what ARRL is doing on our behalf with new legislation.


This is a great way to get practice and learn how to run  nets.  You will learn how to handle rosters, run packet traffic and help in distributing the load among our current Net Controls.  Please contact Don/KL7JFT for additional information or review the Operations Section of the MATSU ARES Website,


To all Alaska Hams with a call sign License Plate

The State DMV is sending out yellow cards to those people needing to re-register their plates. The card indicates you can register online. However, for those that have ham radio plates you can't do it online. It has to be done at a DMV office. I have included below what one administer sent me.

I would advise that those re-registering their plates to take what Karina Garces-Pellon sent to me so if there are any questions, you have some backup. She is from the Anchorage DMV

I’ve included our Vehicle Transaction Application (Form 812) for the renewal, you will need to

  • State on form 812 that you’re requesting Amateur Radio Exemption by checking the box “Other” and writing in the Amateur Radio (AR)
  • Make the following statement in the Affidavit section on the application “This vehicle meets the requirements outlined in AS 28.10.421 (d) (8) (A) & (B) and I qualify for free registration under this statute.”
  • Copy of current FCC License
  • Folks need to understand they need a 5 Band HF radio installed in the vehicle with Antenna and power connection.

Click here for the Vehicle Transaction Application (Form 812)


For older vehicles, Claude N7FXX reports, since it’s an older vehicle he bypassed the “free” renewal and changed categories to “old” and “vanity” so now I’m permanent, no renewal. Cost me a little up front but now all seven of my legacy vehicles are “P” designated.

Came across your website and saw a note about updating license plates. Thought I would send a photo of my fathers
plate when we lived in Ketchikan. Now the plate is attached to the front of my pick-up truck in Vermont.


Here is the rest of the story, We lived in Ketchikan in the late 50's and early 60's. My father was in the US Coast Guard and I was in my early teens. Alaska was a territory when we moved there. My father was a "Ham" radio operator and had his call sign on our Alaska plate, KL7VFO. We moved from Ketchikan in the early 60's. My father is gone now (WWII veteran) and I have the plate attached to my truck, here in Vermont. Thanks for the time to tell a little of my fathers story who was a lifelong Ham Radio operator.

Mike Chesley

Bristol, Vermont



MARA members, if you know of a member who needs cheering up because they have lost a loved one, or are laid up with illness or injury, or if someone is in the hospital, please let one of us know. We would love to send a ray of sunshine in their direction.


Help us spread the cheer. Donations are always appreciated and can be made at the general meeting or directly to Sheila/KL3SRO


Contact Sheila at  okfam@hotmail.com  (best way), or text or phone (907) 631-2356.