We have been asked to support the Boy Scout’s JOTA at the Scout Camp Gorsuch at Mirror Lake 22700 Camp Gorsuch Rd, Chugiak. It will be Oct 19th ,   We’ll set up go kits and portable ops and operate Saturday and tear down Saturday evening around 1600.  We need about a dozen folks or more to support this, excellent training opportunity.  We will operate DMR and HF, 2 meter and Valley Packet Bring your equipment, coordinate with Scott/KL7SLM & Don/KL7JFT, setup and teardown crews, coordinate with TJ/KL3IT folks to interface and training folks We'll testing prior to the operation and assist the Cubs operate. Make sure the kids log books get signed and attendance list get completed.  Possibly coordinate with Kathy/KL7KO to run packet, if it will work from the site. We are registered with the BSA and have the use of their call sign  K2BSA/KL7.  Suggested HF freqs are on their website. Please contact Don/KL7JFT so we can make sure we have enough folks on hand.  Need to be operational by 1000.