Swap and Shop

We're taking orders for the large Club patches; we need 18 orders and payment to place an order for 25, the club will by the number above 18.  They are $48 each.  I have one order at this time.  It will take about 4 weeks for them to get here once the order is placed.  Also anyone desiring club cup orders just let me know and I'll put them on order and will have them at the next meeting after the end of that month.  They are $18 each.

We also have club stickers, Decals and patches for $5 each. Also T-Shirts, for sale $16 each.

Contact Don, KL7JFT dbush@gci.net


Link to the Swap and Shop net listings.   This net meets on 3920 on Saturday mornings at 1100 local time.

Swap & Shop – Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (kl7aa.org)

Marty/KL7AM and quite a bit of excellent ham equipment on his website forsale.  Go to https://kl7am.com.  Contact information is on the web site.

The below listed ham gear is sold as it.  Check with the contact folks for additional information.


Raleen EQUIP






Radios for sale. From Estate of NL7YE, Merlin Harlamert. Contact his widow Marsha 907-244-1571 if interested in any of these radios and you can offer a reasonable price. Located in EQUESTRIAN  ACRES

Yaesu 450D

Kenwood TS440S

Icom 2000 (2 each)

Icom 2GAT

QYT KT8100 (144 & 440 transceiver)

Tripp Lite transformer power supplies:     PS-25  and   PR-40A

Several desk top and hand held CB radios.



It’s a Yaseu FT-70D with a spare battery, manual  and charger.  It can be programmed with

CHIRP.  Les/KL0OG lives in Palmer.  Unit has had very little use and in great shape.  New they

run around $348.00.  I have 2 email addresses.  rfnome@gci.net and rfn@fsgrassvalley.com .

Local number is 907-205-4021.  No reasonable offer refused, but must be licensed ham operator.



  • Adjustable power up to 200 watts
  • Five Direct Digital Synthesizers
  • QRM Rejection Systems
  • 100 Memories
  • Optimized Digital Communications Modes
  • Simultaneous Dual (Unlimited) Frequency Reception
  • Flexible Mode and IF Filter
  • Automatic Antenna Tuner with 39 memories
  • Special Features for CW Operation
  • Enhanced Integration = Simplified Control

The new Yaesu FT-1000D was designed sparing no effort or expense for optimum performance and operability. The FT-1000 is the fruit of over 25,000 man-hours of intensive research and development by Yaesu's top design engineers. Instead of merely offering incremental improvements on existing designs or adding bells and whistles to an old model, the FT-1000 project involves a wholly new approach to the application of the latest digital and RF technologies to today's most demanding needs of the HF bands.

Extensive surface-mount component technology allowed six microprocessors and five Direct Digital Synthesizers to be harmoniously integrated with a simple operator interface into a highly reliable full-featured HF application. The quad conversion (triple for FM) receiver covers 100 kHz to 30 MHz. With MH-1C8 hand mic.

The basic FT-1000 does not have the following options included in the FT-1000D model: BFP1, TCXO1, XF-B, XF-C, XF-D, XF-E.

Asking $1000 for it or trade for an Icom 756 pro 2.  Contact Ken WL7PI 907-671-1749



FOR SALE - $400.00
Kenwood TS820S transceiver [w/manual], 200w output
Extra finals [two pair]
Antenna tuner
External speaker
Phone patch
4 Band dipole antenna
2m mobile whip antenna
Antenna cables
Antenna switch [2-1]
David Evans - AL7JZ
907-841-0752 cell


820S manual
Kenwood 820S transceiver
Power output
Antenna Disassembled
2m whip antenna