Ham of the Year
- Has not won Ham of the Year in the previous five years.
- Contributes to Amateur Radio in the past year
- Attends club meetings as possible during the year
- Provides assistance to other amateurs such as Elmering, becoming an active VE.
- Helps prospective hams join the hobby with Elmering or answering questions on air
- Assist other hams in setting up stations and towers
- Participates in club activities with the community (Comex, Safety Fair, Public Events)
- Participates in club activities such as field day, meeting presentations and maintaining trailers and club equipment
- Participates on a personal level such as net control, contesting, activity on the air
- Promotes Amateur Radio to the public
- Must be a club member in good standing
The HOY Nomination Form is in the form section of the MARA web site.